May 29, 2012

Army Lists: Assault Infantry v1.0

Assault Infantry

Army List


Company Command Squad (vox, Lascannon, regimental standard, Astropath)


Infantry Platoon 1 (17th heavy)
Platoon command squad (Autocannon)
Infantry squad (Lascannon)
Infantry squad (Lascannon)
Infantry squad (Lascannon)
Infantry squad (Lascannon, vox)
Heavy Weapons Team (3x Autocannons)
Heavy Weapons Team (3x Autocannons)
Infantry Platoon 2 (4th assault)
Platoon command squad (Autocannon)
Infantry squad (Autocannon, meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (Autocannon, meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (Autocannon, meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (Autocannon, meltagun, vox, Sergeant with Power Weapon, Commissar with Power Weapon)
Infantry Platoon 3 (24th light)
Platoon command squad (AlRaheem, 3x Meltaguns, vox)
Infantry squad (meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon, Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon, Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon, Meltabombs)
Infantry squad (meltagun, vox, Sergeant with Power Weapon, Commissar with Power Weapon)

1500 points


AlRaheem platoon outflanks and threatens the enemy backfield, moving fast thanks to "Like the Wind!" (Just remember to fire only meltaguns and pistols, not lasguns or you can't assault this turn! :D ). The sheer numbers of guardsman showing up from the flank will basically clog up the whole 6" from the table edge for the whole lenght, be careful for enemy preventing the deployment!
Platoon 1 will sit in deployment zone, providing firepower with 4 twin linked lascannons (thanks to the Company commander orders and the vox caster)
Platoon 2 is like a jack of all trades. If the enemy has a lot of light transports, it will sit nearby platoon 1 for a couple of turns wrecking as much as possible, and then move up and meet the enemy in close combat. 40 stubborn guardsmen aren't nothing to sneer at!


The 1st platoon needs a commissar. When somebody charges it (expecially deepstrikers, or when platoon 2 is away) it is too fragile on its own. The standard does not help.

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